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Eleka's Castle
Complete the Venomous Victory Treasure Map to permanently unlock this feature. Roll the dice to move ahead. Each move will add MP to the prize pot but it could also earn your pet a stat. If you reach a ladder, you will climb it and win a random Photo or an item from the Prize List. Stop at a Poera and you'll be swallowed, go backwards and this venomous attack will earn your pet a random transformation, without risk of it ever changing!

Your pet will only change to a random colour and/or species and then change back. If you have the Pet Stats Giftbox in your collection, you can also select which pet will receive the transformations and stats before you play.

Beat the skull to the end of the board to win the MP in the prize pot. You will also be given the choice to change your pet to any of the transformations you have earned during this game for FREE. Lose the game and your pet will get sick and you will not win the MP in the prize pot.

You can play Venomous Victory for FREE once every 24 hours.

You need to complete the Venomous Victory Treasure Map to use this feature