Mara-Christmas 2016
8 years, 2 months & 20 days ago

14th Dec 2016 20:04
KrampusGourmets[x] Black Eye Pearl
+t[x] Blue Eye Pearl
+t[x] Brown Eye Pearl
[x] Green Eye Pearl
+t[x] Krampus Hot Cocoa
+t[x] Poached Pear
+t[x] Smashed Green Candycane
+t[x] Smashed Red Candycane
+t[x] Red Eye Pearl
Plushies[x][x] Krampling Plushie
+h[][] Krampus Teddy Bear
[x][] Naughty Arinya Plushie
[x][x] Nice Arinya Plushie
+hLearnables/Misc[x] Bloody Manuscript
[x] Krampling
[x] Krampus Blade
[x] Krampus Greeting Card
[] Krampus Snowglobe
[x] Krampus Tales
[x] The Night Before Krampus
Christmas PresentsPresents[x] Blue Peppermint Present
[x (attic)] Blue Seasonal Present
[x (attic)] Chilled Blue Present
[x] Chilled Purple Present
[x (attic)] Chilled Rainbow Present
[x] Chilled Red Present
[x] Chilled Striped Present
[x (attic)] Dark Seasonal Present
[] Green Peppermint Present
[x] Green Seasonal Present
[x (attic)] Oddly Shaped Present
[x (attic)] Pink Seasonal Present
[x] Purple Peppermint Present
[x] Red Peppermint Present
[x] Tall Green Present
[x] Tall Red Present
[] Tall Snowflake Present
[x] Tall Starry Present
[x (attic)] Tall Striped Present
[x (attic)] White Seasonal Present
[x] Yellow Peppermint Present
Prizes[x] Banana Crepe
[x] Candycane Sugar Cookies
+t[x] Chestnut Fudge
[x] Chocolate Ice Cream Crepe
[x] Frost Icy Mix
[] Fruit Crepe
[] Ghostly Candle
[] Giftbox Ornament
[] Gift Wrapped Wreath
[] Jolly Icy Mix
[x] Maple Syrup Snow Taffee
[] Oddly Shaped Present
[] Partridge
[] Peanut Butter Crepe
[] Strawberry Icy Mix
[] Strawberry Jam Crepe
[] Stitched Book
[] Stocking Loot
[] Trading Card
[] Vanilla Ice Cream Crepe
[x] Winter Peaks Stamp
Carol SingingGourmets[x] Apple Cider Caramels
+t[x] Bloody Yule Log
+t[x] Coal Dust Powder Candy
+t[x] Cranberry Cocktail
+t[x] Dark Chocolate Coal
+t[x] Festive Eggnog
+t[x] Festive Hot Chocolate
+t[x] Festive White Hot Chocolate
+t[x] Mini Cranberry Tarts
+t[x] Mulled Wine
+t[x] Neopolitan Snowman Ice Cream
+t[x] Slices of Fruitcake
+tLearnables/Misc[x] Carol Sheet Music
[] Christmas Drum || NEED: 6
[x] Crackling Fire Sounds
[] Festive Bells || NEED: 4
[x] Gingerbread Book
minipet] Gingerbread Imposter
[x][x] Holiday Cards
[] Holiday Horn || NEED: 9
[] Holy Harp || NEED: 5
[x] Mistletoe Stamp
[x] Nice List
[x][x] Sack of Coal
+h[] Snow Guitar || NEED: 1
AU Shop ItemsLearnables[x][x] Ms Claus Plushie
+hCongratulations! You found the 'Ms Claus' Hidden Avatar <---- Play with Ms Claus Plushie until it breaks [] Santas Secrets
[] Journey to the North Pole
Collectables/Misc[x] Sleigh Stamp
[] Ornament Glowing Egg
[] Ginger Baddie Trading Card
Gourmets[x] Santas Milk and Cookies
[] Winter Queen Costume
[] Winter King Costume
[] Santa Claws Costume
[] Gingerbread Man Costume
[] Gingerbread Lady Costume