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  1. Remembrance day poem
    20th Dec 2015 16:36
    9 years, 2 months & 2 days ago
  2. RP maker for hire!
    6th Aug 2015 14:29
    9 years, 6 months & 16 days ago
  3. Quiz for the Club!
    9th Jul 2015 14:51
    9 years, 7 months & 13 days ago
  4. Club quiz #2
    3rd Jul 2015 14:46
    9 years, 7 months & 19 days ago
  5. Club quiz for "the item"
    27th Jun 2015 16:16
    9 years, 7 months & 25 days ago
  6. music
    4th Dec 2013 03:42
    11 years, 2 months & 18 days ago
  7. Advice blog :)
    19th Feb 2013 03:51
    12 years ago
  8. quiz open to anyone!
    15th Nov 2012 12:16
    12 years, 3 months & 7 days ago
  9. MOVIE MADNESS!!!!! (for club members only)
    7th Sep 2012 03:51
    12 years, 5 months & 15 days ago
11 years, 2 months & 18 days ago
4th Dec 2013 03:42

now, i have come to a little conclusion.

most of the music today is drugs, violence, etc. and yet a few years ago, there used to be rarely nothing about it.

dont get me wrong, some artists are good at what they do but i feel like its dying slowly, i guess its why ive stuck with august burns red for so long, their music brings meaning through, yeah some people will call it depressing and stuff like that but really, without that genre of music, somewhat of a pick me up, makes people realise they aren't alone and there are things we can do.

all im trying to really say is that music is not what it used to be, only a few rare bands/artists actually put real meaning into their songs

if you want to express how you feel, your more than welcome, id love to hear other peoples thoughts on this

Advice blog :)
12 years ago
19th Feb 2013 03:51

So I'm starting this blog to alert people that I am starting a advice blog to which anyone who needs advice on anything from mara related to life problems and so on, any issues that you feel you need help or advice on just mm and I garuentee that ill do my best and all issues stay confidential that will be assured no matter how bad the issue it will stay confidential, all I ask is that people take it seriously and no pranking would be appreciated

- ben

quiz open to anyone!
12 years, 3 months & 7 days ago
15th Nov 2012 12:16

ok im running a quiz to win 850,000MP no team work and you only have 2 attempts the scores will be added at the bottom so you know how many you got right apart from that the general information is that the questions are mixed between questions about me and random stuff about anything Smile have fun Smile and the closing date is the 29th of November

1) what is my middle name?
2) name a trilogy film set to star Laurence fishburne?
3) name 2 countries beginning with the letter D?
4) what is my favorite colour?
5) what type of music do i like the most?
6) who is the founder of windows? (the one related to computers)
7) who was the finder of apple?
8) according to the bible who were the first 2 humans to be made?
9) how long have i been on mara for?
10) what is my favorite beverage?
11) do i use laptop, phone or both?
12) what killed the dinosaurs?
13) my favorite animal?
14) the college name that i study at?
15) name 2 objects that can be found in a forest?
16) work out without a calculator 16x12x4x2?
17) what country does jesus originate from?
18) what is the one thing i wish i could stop happening?
19) finish the quote : an eye for a ...?
20) what is the name of the auther who wrote the colour of magic?
21) is my height: 6'2 or 6'3?
22) where does the prime minister live or the president of america?
23) what colour are my curtains?
24) my dream job?
25) if i was the last man on earth what is the first thing i would do? (clue its food related)
26) what is the best virus protection software around today?
27) festival in june that i want to go to?
28) do i have a radiator in my room?
29) what is my reasoning for anti gravity not being made? (clue .. its to do with the effects on time)
30) best place for a holiday in england? ( it is : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ )

answers must be mailed in Wide Grin person with the most correct wins Wide Grin
Louisetje : 18/30
coolgirlepica : 22/30
sweetieful : 20/30
hopeforyou : 24/30
AthenaAnasta : 20/30
Mydogmolly : 14/30

MOVIE MADNESS!!!!! (for club members only)
12 years, 5 months & 15 days ago
7th Sep 2012 03:51

this is the movie madness weekly contest
prizes will only be given out for correct answers and if you believe you have the right answer mail myself and if it is correct you will get a prize, if multiple people get the answer correct the first person to answer will win

the first one is:
"You know, I think you try harder when you're scared" who says this and what film is it
the winner is : sweetieful

number two :
"WILSON!!!!" who says it and what film
the winner is : sweetieful

number three :
"Here's looking at you, kid" just name the film
the winner (yet again Tongue Out) is : sweetieful

number four :
"Here's Johnny!" name the film and who said it
the winner is : sweetieful

number five :
"Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get" who said it and where were they when they said it
the winner is : sabzsocool

number six:
"Bond. James Bond." name the character and the actor who plays him
the winner is : sabzsocool

number seven :
"Mr anderson" who says the quote and name the exact movie title
the winner is : sweetieful

Ok so now movie madness is changing, no longer shall it be movie quotes but it shall me ... Music quotes!!

Number one:
"California rest in peace
Simultaneous release
California show your teeth
She's my priestess, I'm your priest
Yeah, yeah"
Name the song and artist

  1. Remembrance day poem
    20th Dec 2015 16:36
    9 years, 2 months & 2 days ago
  2. RP maker for hire!
    6th Aug 2015 14:29
    9 years, 6 months & 16 days ago
  3. Quiz for the Club!
    9th Jul 2015 14:51
    9 years, 7 months & 13 days ago
  4. Club quiz #2
    3rd Jul 2015 14:46
    9 years, 7 months & 19 days ago
  5. Club quiz for "the item"
    27th Jun 2015 16:16
    9 years, 7 months & 25 days ago
  6. music
    4th Dec 2013 03:42
    11 years, 2 months & 18 days ago
  7. Advice blog :)
    19th Feb 2013 03:51
    12 years ago
  8. quiz open to anyone!
    15th Nov 2012 12:16
    12 years, 3 months & 7 days ago
  9. MOVIE MADNESS!!!!! (for club members only)
    7th Sep 2012 03:51
    12 years, 5 months & 15 days ago