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~~ Click to read more about me :D ~~

***Made by bluetaz2001***

**I have a bunch of banners made by club members on my Holiday Banner blog I love them all I just can't use them all**

***Made by funfetti thank you so much*** 

I am an adult player. I joined Marapets on September 12, 2007, 9:36 pm
Here is a break down of my user name. Blue is my favorite color, Taz is my favorite character and 2001 is just a random number I used. My real name is Marylu. :D

7QIXNSe.gif Pudgeman is a dedication to my best friend's baby boy she had to let cross the rainbow bridge. RIP Pudgy...April 11, 2011 - August 19, 2024


-- NONE of my pets are up for trade/sale I worked really hard to get the pets I have especially Pudgyman
-- Friend requests/MM/MT are open I don't care if i know you or not if you need someone to be your friend I will be your friend.
-- I love to bake, sleep, shop, color and most of all animals, frogs, snowmen, beanie babies and dragons.
-- I'm not always here even if the online indicator says so.
-- Staff: I sometimes log in on my phone too
-- No club invites please I may not make my presence known but I love the club I am in THANK YOU!!
-- I earned everything on here and nothing is for sale/trade/loan unless otherwise discussed please don't ask or beg me for them I would really appreciate it.
-- Need to borrow one of my pets I am ok with that, but you will have to pay the fee that Marpet's has set to lend it no tip required...need a plate of a pet/minipet again ask and I shall let you borrow them.... return them as soon as you are done.
-- Need a photo of them and don't want to borrow it to make the picture just ask I may ask for a picture of your pet if I don't have it in exchange.
-- I am not staff *wish I was* so I can't really help you all that much but if you do have a question, I will try to point you in the right direction.

1. Have one of every LE pet
2. Get to level 75
3. collect everything blue, black and green and anything that has to do with leidos, renats, and Poera's and anything that has to do with Christmas :D
  1. Snugli -- Gourmet Foods Bakery A-B
    1st Jul 2021 18:31
    3 years, 8 months & 3 days ago
  2. Azailias/Chanson2021
    1st Jul 2021 16:33
    3 years, 8 months & 3 days ago
  3. Avvie Items/pets/minipets to Loan
    26th Apr 2021 08:35
    3 years, 10 months & 8 days ago
  4. Thanksgiving event 2014
    25th Nov 2014 23:05
    10 years, 3 months & 9 days ago
  5. List of items saving up for avvies
    4th Dec 2007 06:52
    17 years, 3 months & 1 day ago
  6. Goals
    4th Dec 2007 06:40
    17 years, 3 months & 1 day ago
Limited/Restricted Pets
6 days, 7 hrs & 34 mins ago
28th Feb 2025 12:15

Limited Edition pets are species that are rare and limited and cannot just be created directly. They are earned by using special items, like Enchanted Plushies or Potions, mostly from Missions and Account Upgrade Sets

Restricted pets are much rarer versions of our limited-edition pets with more restrictions on how they can be earned. More information will be released about Restricted Pets later this year but below is the updated availability for these restricted species:

Decadal ??? released in Account Upgrade Sets every 10 years (2014, 2024) and back in 2034
Wallop ??? released in Account Upgrade Sets every 5 years (first released 2020) and back this year
Daisy ??? released in Account Upgrade Sets every 4 years (2024, 2028, 2032)
Sybri ??? released in Account Upgrade Sets every 3 years (2025, 2028, 2031)
Straya ??? released in Account Upgrade Sets every 3 years (2026, 2029, 2032)
Raulf ??? released in Account Upgrade Sets every odd year (2025, 2027, 2029)
Vlad ??? released in Account Upgrade Sets every odd year (2025, 2027, 2029)
Willa ??? released in Account Upgrade Sets every even year (2024, 2026, 2028)
Vixen ??? released in Account Upgrade Sets every even year (2024, 2026, 2028)
Gobble ??? can be released in Account Upgrades only once a year, usually around our Thanksgiving event
Limax ??? can be released in Account Upgrade Sets only once a year
Zola ??? if you are really lucky the Capsule Machine will give you a Zola Potion or Enchanted Plushie
Echlin ??? complete all 50 levels of the Slate Pyramid
Hump ??? complete all 50 levels of the Kamilah Pyramid
Figaro ??? compete in the Olympics for 16,272 Olympic Points to buy from the Olympics Shop
Justin ??? complete Desert Spy quests for Spy Points to buy from the Desert Spy Shop

ATM -- January
2 months, 4 days & 4 hrs ago
31st Dec 2024 14:52

Hi everyone,

Happy New Year! Hope you were able to get all the Elfember items you need and that the Santa Claws Raffle is good to you.

CLUB POLL - I recently put up a new club poll. it's a simple yes or no - Should we have a raffle once a week that uses club points? If you haven't already clicked on the poll, please let us know your opinion.

QUIZZES AND RAFFLES - If you would like to help out, this month we will focus on all things January, winter, snow, Chinese (Lunar New Year is 1/29), Australian (Australia Day is 1/26), as well as non-event items such as slates, toy blocks, keys, hieroglyphics, AU items, balls of yarn, Magic Beans, and anything else you might have in your attic. Don't forget to check for items from previous Australian Day and Chinese New Year Events. All donations are welcome.

BANNERS: Cygnet came up with this banner for us:

If you would like to contribute a banner for us to use as well, mm/mt me the image and code and I will add them to January planning page and post it in club chat.

1/1 Santa Claws Raffle Winners
1/6-1/13 ATM Word Scramble (Cygnet)
1/16- 1/22 ATM Appreciate a Dragon Day Ad Contest (Gwylynnsgarden)
1/26 Australia Day

Starts next week on 1/6 and runs thru 1/12. Scrambles will be uploaded the 5th or 6th.

Unscramble the winter word scrambles.
CLUE: The first letter of each scrambled word is the first letter of the real word.
For example: ACCIRT = ARCTIC

If there is a hyphenated word or two words, each is its own scramble. For example: uble-yger = blue-grey.

Then send Cygnet a Maramail with your answers. Everyone who unscrambles all correctly will receive a random prize from my attic.

Prizes include plushies, photos, plates, hieroglyphics, toy blocks, gourmet food, and more.

APPRECIATE A DRAGON DAY AD CONTEST 1/16-1/22 (Gwylynnsgarden)

Believe it or not, this is a real thing that started in 2004. National Appreciate a Dragon Day is January 16th this year. In honor of our favorite dragons, I am hosting an ad contest.

Welcome to the ATM Ad Agency! Your job is to take our product Dragon Pants and make an appealing ad campaign for it! We want everyone on Mara to want to rush right out and model this high fashion asap! We want customers to be crashing internet sites and knocking down the doors of brick and mortar stores looking for these pants! They may be retired, but we want Dragon Pants to go viral!

Your ad campaign can be as simple or as complex as you please. You can write a jingle or slogan, you can pretend to be a social media sensation, you can do artwork with a slogan on it, you can write out a commercial, or whatever else you want to do.

The campaign that makes me want to wear this wardrobe item the most will win the Dragon Pants! Everyone who enters will win a prize with the word "dragon" in it from my attic.

Contest begins 1/16/25 and ends 1/22/25.

You can enter by EITHER posting in the comment section (don't forget your username) or by mailing me. If you want others to see your entry the comment section is the way to go.

GRAND PRIZE: Dragon Pants

If anyone else would like to host, please let me know.

Happy New Year! May 2025 be even more special than the last. Wishing you a year filled with good friends, great adventure, and even better treats!


Christmas Presents 2024
2 months, 19 days & 1 hr ago
16th Dec 2024 17:51

This list is to show you what the prizes are this year (2024) -- this also helps me know what I have and what I still need.

List of the presents is below the items list

I have it in my Gallery [x]
Wardrobe [x]
Camryna played with it [x]
Snuglie ate it [x]
Brentthegrint listened to the cd or watched the dvd [x]
KevinJonathan Read it [x]
Pudgeman -- everything pet [x]

** if it is like this [] I don't have it in my wardrobe and gallery or the specific pet hasn't played with, ate, read or listened to it yet

~~ Prizes --

~~ Bell Ornament -- Gallery [x] Camryna [x] Pudgeman [x]

~~ Bell Sugar Cookie -- Gallery [x] Snugli [x] Pudgeman [x]

~~ Candlelight Serenade -- Gallery [x] Brentthegrint [x] Pudgeman [x]

~~ Chimney Plushie -- Gallery [x] Plushie collection [x] Camryna [x] Pudgeman [x]

~~ Christmas Present Book -- Gallery [x] KevinJonathan [x] Pudgeman [x]

~~ Elfember Poster -- Gallery [x] Photo Collection [x]

~~ Ercuw Snowman -- Gallery [x] Camryna [x] Pudgeman [x]

~~ Festive Jumper -- Gallery [x] Wardrobe [x]

~~ Gingerbread Boy Plushie -- Gallery [x] Camyrna [x] Pudgeman [x][x] Snugli [x]

~~ Gingerbread Girl Plushie -- Gallery [x] Camyrna [x] Pudgeman [x][x] Snugli [x]

~~ Green Fancy Bauble -- Gallery [x] Camyrna [x] Pudgeman [x]

~~ Green Holly Candle -- Gallery [x] Camyrna [x]

~~ Green Vixen Balloon -- Gallery [x] Camyrna [x] Pudgeman [x]

~~ Peppermint Gloves -- Gallery [x] Wardrobe [x]

~~ Peppermint Hard Candy -- Gallery [x] Snugli [x] Pudgeman [x]

~~ Peppermint Leg Warmers -- Gallery [x] Wardrobe [x]

~~ Peppermint Mocha -- Gallery [x] Snugli [x] Pudgeman [x]

~~ Peppermint Skirt -- Gallery [] Wardrobe [x] -- Need one for my gallery

~~ Peppermint Snowman Plushie -- Gallery [x] Camyrna [x] Pudgeman [x]

~~ Peppermint Socks -- Gallery [x] Wardrobe [x]

~~ Peppermint Wrap -- Gallery [x] Wardrobe [x]

~~ Red Fancy Bauble -- Gallery [x] Camyrna [x] Pudgeman [x]

~~ Red Holly Candle -- Gallery [x] Camyrna [x] Pudgeman [x]

~~ Red Tree Ornament -- Gallery [x] Camyrna [x] Pudgeman [x]

~~ Red Vixen Balloon -- Gallery [x] Camyrna [x] Pudgman [x]

~~ Santa Cape -- Gallery [x] Wardrobe [x]

~~ Simple -- Gallery [x] Camyrna [x] Pudgeman [x]

~~ Sleigh Jumper -- Gallery [x] Wardrobe [x]

~~ Snow Straya -- Gallery [x] Camyrna [x] Pudgeman [x]

~~ Star Biscuits -- Gallery [x] Snugli [x] Pudgeman [x]

~~ Tree Biscuits -- Gallery [x] Snuglie [x] Pudgeman [x]

~~ Yellow Tree Ornament -- Gallery [x] Camyrna [x] Pudgeman [x]

~~ Yellow Vixen Balloon -- Gallery [x] Camyrna [x] Pudgeman [x]

~~ Presents

~~ Elfember --
Blue Elfember Present [x]
Green Elfember Present [x]
Purple Elfember Present [x]
Red Elfember Present [x]
Yellow Elfember Present [x]

~~ Gingerbread Present
Blue Gingerbread Present [x]
Green Gingerbread Present [x]
Purple Gingerbread Present [x]
Red Gingerbread Present [x]
Yellow Gingerbread Present [x]

~~ Poinsettia Present
Blue Poinsettia Present [x]
Green Poinsettia Present [x]
Purple Poinsettia Present [x]
Red Poinsettia Present [x]
Yellow Poinsettia Present [x]

~~ Santa Sack
Blue Santa Sack [x]
Green Santa Sack [x]
Purple Santa Sack [x]
Red Santa Sack [x]
Yellow Santa Sack [x]

~~ Winter Present
Blue Winter Present [x]
Green Winter Present [x]
Purple Winter Present [x]
Red Winter Present [x]
Yellow Winter Present [x]

~~ Yule Present
Blue Yule Present [x]
Green Yule Present [x]
Purple Yule Present [x]
Red Yule Present [x]
Yellow Yule Present [x]

Let the memory live on
2 months, 19 days & 23 hrs ago
15th Dec 2024 20:42

Hello everyone,

I was caroling on 12/15/24 and I came across the profile of a nice loving lady who had lost her granddaughter.

This would have been her 2nd Christmas.

Her name is nickie415....If you would like to donate one to her as well here is her profile link...

LORELEI GRACE BORN MAY 2, 2023 - MAY 2,2023 1 lb

Every year on her birthday and every Christmas I will be donating one in here memory. It isn't about the fact if I know her or not it is the fact she was a baby and that is what her grandmother wants, and I want to honor that.

Krampus 2024
2 months & 20 days ago
15th Dec 2024 19:04

Krampus Items -- 2024

~~ Christmas Skeleton Hand Gallery [x] Snugli [x] Pudgeman [x]

~~ Creepy Bat Plushie [x]

~~ Feral Frequencies [x] Gallery [x] Brentthegrint [x] Pudgeman [x]

~~ Havoc -- Gallery [x]

~~ Ike Skull Gallery [x]

~~ Krampus Cane -- Wardrobe [x]

1. ~~ Krampus Gown

~~ Krampus Hat -- Wardrobe [x]

~~ Krampus Rose Hat [x]

~~ Krampus Shawl Wardrobe [x]

~~ Left Torn Mouth [x]

~~ Mediocre -- [x]

~~ Monster Skull -- [x]

~~ Mouse Ornament -- [x]

~~ Purple Fancy Bauble -- [x]

~~ Purple Tree Ornament --[x]

~~ Purple Vixen Balloon -- [x]

~~ Raulf Cake Pop -- [x]

~~ Reindeer Antler -- [x]

~~ Reindeer Skeleton Ornament -- [x]

~~ Right Torn Mouth

~~ Santa Teddy Plushie -- [x]

~~ Skull Ornament -- [x]

~~ Slasher Symphony -- [x]

~~ Torn Scarf -- [x]

~~ Ushunda Cookie -- [x]

~~ Vampire Gingerbread Man -- [x]

~~ Vixen Snowman -- [x]

  1. Snugli -- Gourmet Foods Bakery A-B
    1st Jul 2021 18:31
    3 years, 8 months & 3 days ago
  2. Azailias/Chanson2021
    1st Jul 2021 16:33
    3 years, 8 months & 3 days ago
  3. Avvie Items/pets/minipets to Loan
    26th Apr 2021 08:35
    3 years, 10 months & 8 days ago
  4. Thanksgiving event 2014
    25th Nov 2014 23:05
    10 years, 3 months & 9 days ago
  5. List of items saving up for avvies
    4th Dec 2007 06:52
    17 years, 3 months & 1 day ago
  6. Goals
    4th Dec 2007 06:40
    17 years, 3 months & 1 day ago