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  1. The story of the murdered living undead bride
    17th Aug 2009 13:12
    15 years, 6 months & 5 days ago
    5th Aug 2009 13:52
    15 years, 6 months & 17 days ago
    13th Jun 2009 07:11
    15 years, 8 months & 9 days ago
  4. Emotional Test. Don't Cheat! :OOO LOL
    9th May 2009 11:11
    15 years, 9 months & 13 days ago
  5. To the Miley Haters :] and the Miley Lovers >:[
    29th Jul 2008 18:20
    16 years, 6 months & 23 days ago
  6. A blog dedicated to my friends on mara :]
    29th Jul 2008 18:16
    16 years, 6 months & 23 days ago
  7. oh em jayyy!! xD
    18th Jul 2008 11:34
    16 years, 7 months & 4 days ago
  8. meh boy and girl sides
    8th Jul 2008 11:23
    16 years, 7 months & 14 days ago
  9. my grade in life (i got a c)
    18th Jun 2008 09:50
    16 years, 8 months & 4 days ago
The story of the murdered living undead bride
15 years, 6 months & 5 days ago
17th Aug 2009 13:12

In the year 1733, there was a woman. Her name was Marybeth. She was 19 years old. She was to get married to her fiancee, named John, who was 24. Their wedding was set to be April 13, 1933. She was excited, she was to marry the man of her dreams, what was not to be excited about? Alexander. He was her ex boyfriend. He was a very jealous man, and he always had had anger problems, he was especially jealous when it came to Marybeth. He would scare off any men that tried becoming close to Marybeth. He beat her, he beat her til she had welts on her back. He wouldn't allow her to go out, not even to her family's cottage. He obliged her to have intercourse with him, even if she was sick, sick at the point of dying. He raped her repeatedly and was never kind to Marybeth. But not John, he was different. He was generous, caring and was loyal towards to Marybeth, he was always patient, she appreciated that, in fact, she needed that. But now, she was scared. Scared that John would come after her. The day she left Alexander, she had escaped, hadn't even bothered to say goodbye, because of her fear of what he might do to her. He tried to drag her back to their cottage. He was unsuccessful, he stopped coming to get her, instead he sent threatening notes saying if she didn't come back, he'd cut off her arms and legs, that he would cause her a slow painful death. After many years, the notes stopped, but she knew he was waiting her out. Then she met John, he was everything she could ask for and more. Eventually, they got to the point of engagement, he asked her parents for her hand in marriage, and they gladly gave it to him. Now Marybeth was to get married to the man of her dreams. But she still had a fear deep on the inside. The night before the wedding, Alexander climbed into Marybeth's bedroom, and just like he promised, he killed her, he sliced her neck open. He ran off and the next day, they discovered the dead body. The funeral was the same day they discovered her dead. The whole town mourned her death, but of course, not Alexander. When they were to bury the casket, they discovered the body missing, how was it possible? They searched the town inch-by-inch but never found it. That night, Alexander was sleeping comfortable, BREATHING calmly while Marybeth was DEAD because of HIS fault. She appeared in his room, different, she had pale purple skin, her eyes and hair had turned a hideous color of grey, her nails were long and she was dressed in her wedding dress. Alexander woke up and saw her, standing before him, and for the first time in his life he was scared, scared of Marybeth, the same person that many years ago, he had hit to the point of bleeding and leaving scars. She said to him,"You hit and abused me and you killed me with no mercy, now I will kill you the same way you killed me." With her long nails she slit his throat and left his dead body rotting. And to this day, Marybeth still walks the face of this earth, killing all the men that abuse their wives. THE END.

Like it or not?
Don't say anything rude, I put a lot of effort into it and I wrote it myself. You may rate it if you like.

This is the story that goes along with my pixel.

15 years, 6 months & 17 days ago
5th Aug 2009 13:52

Man: Where have you been all my life?
Woman: Hiding from you.

Man: Haven't I seen you someplace before?
Woman: Yes, that's why I don't go there anymore.

Man: Is this seat empty?
Woman: Yes, and this one will be if you sit down.

Man: Your place or mine?
Woman: Both. You go to yours, and I'll go to mine.

Man: So, what do you do for a living?
Woman: I'm a female impersonator.

Man: Hey baby, what's your sign?
Woman: Do not enter.

Man: Your body is like a temple.
Woman: Sorry, there are no services today

Man: I would go to the end of the world for you.
Woman: But would you stay there?

Man: If I could see you naked, I'd die happy.
Woman: If I saw you naked, I'd probably die laughing.

Man: If I could rearrange the alphabet I'd put u and i together
Woman: Really, I'd put f and u together

If you repost this you will get a phone call 37 minutes after you do it.If you don't resend this then your love life will be (((doomed))) for eternity.

CHICKS REPOST THIS AS Female Comebacks...

DUDES REPOST THIS AS Don't let this happen

15 years, 8 months & 9 days ago
13th Jun 2009 07:11

[center]My family[/center]
[center]Aladae- Mom.[/center]
[center]CamaroPro- Son.[/center]
[center]sparklyfriend- Father.[/center]
[center]ensanble- Daughter.[/center]
[center]Huricane- Dog.[/center]
[center]JaydenDaBomb- Crazy Drunk Uncle.[/center]
[center]juljuljulia12- Unwanted cousin.[/center]
[center]Noles-Fat Family Hamster.[/center]
[center]madisimonj- CamaroPro\\\'s wife.[/center]
[center]B4BYG4NST4- Crazy crackhead aunt.[/center]
[center]xXxjustlilmexXx- My 50 year old man.[/center]
[center]miley2599- Innocent girl that kills barbie\\\'s[/center]
[center]sweetyheart11- Evil balloon.[/center]
[center]adventurersplinter- Donut.[/center]

Emotional Test. Don't Cheat! :OOO LOL
15 years, 9 months & 13 days ago
9th May 2009 11:11

1. Which color is better red,
black,green,blue or yellow?

2. What???s your middle initial?

3. What month is your birthday?

4. Which color do you like more, black
or white?

5. Name one of your friends

6. Your favorite number?
8 or 24 maybe?

7. Do you like flying or driving more?

8. Do you like a lake or the ocean

9. Think of a wish, but don???t write it.
*makes a wish*


1. If you chose:
Red: You are alert and your life is
full of love.

Black: You are conservative and

Green: Your soul is relaxed and you
are laid back.

Blue: You are spontaneous and love
kisses and affection from the ones you
love and give good advice to those who
are down.

Yellow - you are a very happy person..

2. If you???re initial is:

A-K: You have a lot of love and
friendships in your life.

L-R: You try to enjoy your life to the
maximum & your love life is soon to

S-Z: You like to help others and your
future love life looks very good.

3. If you were born in:

Jan-Mar: The year will go very well
for you and you will discover that you
fall in love with someone totally

April-June: You will have a strong
love relationship that will last

July-Sept: You will have a great year
and will experience a major life-
changing experience for the good.

Oct-Dec: Your love life will be great,
and eventually you will find your soul

4. If you chose:

Black: Your life will take you on a
different direction, it will seem hard
at times but will be the best thing
for you, and you will be glad for the

White: You will have a friend who
completely confides in you and would
do anything for you, but you may not
realize it.

5. This person is your best friend: Alejandra

6. If it is:

1-50 you are a very lovable person and
you have a great life*

more than 50 is nothing

7. If you chose:

Flying - You like adventure.

Driving - You are a laid back person.

8. If you chose:

Lake - You are loyal to your friends,
your lover, and yourself. You are very
reserved and not emotional.

Ocean - You are spontaneous and like
to please people sometimes.

9. This wish will come true only if
you repost this with the title:
Emotional test. Dont Cheat!

To the Miley Haters :] and the Miley Lovers >:[
16 years, 6 months & 23 days ago
29th Jul 2008 18:20

Miley Haters: I absolutely L.O.V.E. you. wub.gif
You may message me anytime. thumbsup.gif

Miley Lovers: DON'T message me. DON'T waste my time. Maramail me at your own risk, from now on, whoever wants to tell me they love Miley or whatever, I WILL block you so don't waste my time.

  1. The story of the murdered living undead bride
    17th Aug 2009 13:12
    15 years, 6 months & 5 days ago
    5th Aug 2009 13:52
    15 years, 6 months & 17 days ago
    13th Jun 2009 07:11
    15 years, 8 months & 9 days ago
  4. Emotional Test. Don't Cheat! :OOO LOL
    9th May 2009 11:11
    15 years, 9 months & 13 days ago
  5. To the Miley Haters :] and the Miley Lovers >:[
    29th Jul 2008 18:20
    16 years, 6 months & 23 days ago
  6. A blog dedicated to my friends on mara :]
    29th Jul 2008 18:16
    16 years, 6 months & 23 days ago
  7. oh em jayyy!! xD
    18th Jul 2008 11:34
    16 years, 7 months & 4 days ago
  8. meh boy and girl sides
    8th Jul 2008 11:23
    16 years, 7 months & 14 days ago
  9. my grade in life (i got a c)
    18th Jun 2008 09:50
    16 years, 8 months & 4 days ago