Information on my 1mp auctions.
7 years, 8 months & 26 days ago
23rd May 2017 19:41![](
I get a lot of messages about my 1mp auctions, so I thought I would post a blog about it for the people who were wondering.
Do you do 1mp auctions everyday?
No, there never really is a time frame between my 1mp auctions. I usually just post them whenever I come across items. If you don\'t want to miss one, subscribe to my auctions.
It could be multiple sets of auctions in one day, or it could be days before I do another one.
What do you auction?
Everything. Plushies, DVDs, CD\'s, gourmets, etc. When I start the auctions, it\'s usually a variety of items. I try to put up things that people might find useful.
Why do you do 1mp auctions, when you can sell them for more?
I\'m not doing it for profit, I do them for other people to have a chance to get something they\'re missing. Like collection items for their pets, or stuff for their wardrobe. Since I cannot possibly reach every player to send them something they might not have, I figured auctions were the easiest way. It does still cost the other player, but a few MP compared to items that are worth MUCH more seems minuscule to me.
Are all your auctions 1mp auctions?
No! I auction other things for profit as well. If you subscribe to my auctions, it will not always be the 1mp ones that you get alerts for.
What\'s the most expensive thing you\'ve auctioned?
Honestly, I have no idea. Maybe a few million? Maybe more, who knows.
How long do you put the auctions up for?
The time I put them up for varies. I\'ve done them for 15 minutes, and I\'ve done some for 12 hours, as well as the time lots between those two (1hr, 4hrs, etc.)I haven\'t gone past 12 hours, and I\'m not sure I ever will. When I do them for 12 hours it\'s usually nighttime where I am at, so I am trying to make sure other players have a chance to see them.
Do you always sell everything in your 1mp auctions?
Actually, no. Surprising enough, players seem to avoid certain items. I\'ve noticed it\'s usually items that are worth 10k and under and non-collection items.
What are the most bid on items that you have put up?
Magazines, newspapers, clothing, stamps, and anything that\'s worth 100k+
Collection items seem to be the most \"fought over\" during the auctions. (When players keep overbidding each other)
How many auctions do you put up at once?
It varies, one time it was 9 pages of items, sometimes it\'s only a few items. If you have subscribed to my auctions, be aware that you may end up with A LOT of notifications.
Does it make you angry when you see someone resell the items?
No, I take that chance when I put them in a Marapets-Public auction. If someone wants to resell the items, that is their business. The only thing I\'m trying to do is to help players who may need something.
Isn\'t something like this against marapets rules?
Not that I am aware. People and clubs do 1mp auctions all of the time, so I\'m not sure why it would be against the rules if I did it as well. I just choose to do it more often so that I can easily get rid of things I don\'t need while helping other people have a chance to get what they want/need.
Okay, those are the most asked questions. If anyone else has a question feel free to message me, and I will answer as soon as I can.
If you have subscribed, or plan on subscribing to my auctions, please be aware that you may receive a lot of alerts in a short amount of time. Do not message me about the alerts. Do not complain to me about the alerts. I have never made someone subscribe to my auctions, it is 100% your choice. If you are already subscribed to my auctions and don\'t like alerts, then unsubscribe.
If you have random items you wish to donate to the 1mp auctions, let me know. I will pay for some items, but not all. Don\'t expect it to be SS price, since I will be losing money if I did so.
Please excuse the "/" "\" marks in this blog. It happened when I edited it to add a question. For now I'm going to leave them until I have time to go through and remove them all.