Story of how I got Pezzero
14 years, 6 months & 10 days ago
9th Aug 2010 10:16![](
I had to go through a custody battle for this bad boy here.
Well it all started in October 2008. That was when Sindis just came out of AUs and I had an emo one. My dream pet then was a Nefarious Quell and I traded my Emo Sindi for Pezzero. I suddenly get a mail one day from some guy saying I have to give the Quell back because it was stolen and it belonged to the person's old account that was hacked. The mod spyder_dawg (who has self banned) backed it up and told me they'll have to see what happens. I told them I went through a lot to get him and I'm not giving him up freely.
We never came to an agreement it was just left to rot because they said if I traded it it would be voided and forcefully traded back or something. About 6 months later I decided I really wanted to start trading again again because honestly, it's pretty fun. I maramailed Ian because since he is the owner of this site he might be able to help me out with this problem. I mailed him twice a few weeks apart and he never responded to me.
A few months ago, In November, I decided to maramail indygo about it since from the forums plenty of people said she is really helpful and nice. Low and behold she actually replied to me and asked for his username. She then told me that his account was not hacked but banned for cheating referrals and that I could keep the pet.
Now because of this ordeal I'm so iffy about trading him since I went through so much to get him. Phew, that was long.
NEW Lending Pets
14 years, 6 months & 22 days ago
28th Jul 2010 17:31![](
Yes I do lend my pets out, there are some rules.
1) if the pet is not back in 10 minutes I will report you. That is more than enough time to complete your goal. If think computer problems might affect your timing then TELL ME ahed of time.
2)If anything happens to it I will report you (stuff like, differnt costume, take off the minipet, resign job etc)
3) Lend it out to other people I will report you, I don't care if you give it back to me, if you did it without my permission I will still report you
4)If you don't give it back and give it away or trade it, I will report you
5) I expect you to pay the tip first them trade pets.
6) You will always have to give me one of your own pets to make sure you give it back. And that pet cannot cost a lot to trade back and orth.
Get it? Got it? Good
For all the pets the tip is 10k (Not counting LEs and other exceptions).
Just mail me if you're interested.
New Goals
14 years, 6 months & 24 days ago
26th Jul 2010 21:02![](
Get 500k [x]
Get 1mil [x]
Get 2 mil [x]
Get 5mil [x]
Get 10mil [x]
Get 10 Costumes in my Gallery [-]
Get 2000 4 Years Balloons [-]
Get 3 Extra Pet Giftboxes [-]
Get a LE Pet [x]
Get all of my fav fassies [x]
Get at least 50 avatars [x]
Get at least 100 avatars [x]
Get at least 150 avatars [x]
Get at least 200 avatars [-]
Fasoros I have Owned in the Past
14 years & 7 months ago
19th Jul 2010 18:24![](
I used to like to call myself the Fasoro queen, not anymore since I am slowly letting go of them and trading LEs now but this is just a list for me.
Yellow Fasoro
Red Fasoro
Blue Fasoro
Green Fasoro
Angel Fasoro
Black Fasoro
Cheese Fasoro
Dark Fasoro
Earthfairy Fasoro
Eleka Fasoro
Elf Fasoro
Fairy Fasoro
Ghost Fasoro
Glass Fasoro
Gold Fasoro
Gothic Fasoro
Halloween Fasoro
Icefairy Fasoro
Lightning Fasoro
Love Fasoro
Mummy Fasoro
Pixie Fasoro
Prison Fasoro
Shaved Fasoro
Skinny Fasoro
Voodoo Fasoro
Water Fasoro
White Fasoro
Zombie Fasoro
I haven't owned before:
Anime Fasoro
Minipet Fasoro
Mutant Fasoro
Radioactive Fasoro
Seasonal Fasoro
Spacefairy Fasoro
Undyingfairy Fasoro
Villain Fasoro
Vortex Fasoro