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midnights become
my afternoons.

  1. New homes for my pets.
    2nd Feb 2016 21:56
    8 years, 4 months & 6 days ago
  2. Note to staff
    28th Jan 2016 19:39
    8 years, 4 months & 11 days ago
  3. Thank you for all the birthday wishes.
    8th Mar 2014 11:17
    10 years, 3 months & 2 days ago
  4. Goal Pet Giveaway
    30th Jan 2014 08:41
    10 years, 4 months & 9 days ago
  5. LE Pet(s) Giveaway
    20th Sep 2013 00:57
    10 years, 8 months & 19 days ago
  6. Hearts. <3
    4th May 2011 16:58
    13 years, 1 month & 7 days ago
LE Pet(s) Giveaway
10 years, 8 months & 19 days ago
20th Sep 2013 00:57


It seems as if my club isn't all too interested in adopting these four pets, so I might as well give ya'll a chance as well.
Here are the pets that are up for adoption:

- Myzi the 40 statted Underwater Ercuw [ADOPTED]
- Orlandro the Blue Lati [ADOPTED]
- Pasquell the Underwater Quell [ADOPTED]
- Shavox the Spring Nino [ADOPTED]

These are the ONLY pets up for adoption.
And no, my pets are not for trade.
I've managed to complete all but one pet goal, so I've decided it's about time I start helping others out.
More pets will come in the future, but as of now these 4 beautiful LE's are up for adoption.
All I ask of you is to write a short and simple application for either one of these pets.
You may not apply for more than one pet.
I don't want to see graphics, poems, stories, etc.
I just want an application!
Don't create a separate blog for your application, just post it; makes my life that much easier.
Once you have submitted your application, you may not change it/edit it as I will not read it twice.
Please don't mail me either.
I'll choose when I think I've found the perfect owners.
Thank you!

Giveaway closed.

Congrats to all winners!

For those who did not win, keep your eyes peeled for future giveaways.
110 years, 8 months & 18 days ago 20th Sep 2013 18:08
Hello! My name is Cara and this here app is for Pasquell. I'll be as to the point as possible - if I were to win Pasquell, I would costume him sparkle. I've always looooved sparkle quells; they're one of my all-time favorite pets. While I had planned on creating and costuming a quell all by myself, I've realized that with all the other pet goals I have, it's going to be verrrry expensive. To already have a quell, and to just need the costume, would be absolutely amazing. The name is also really wonderful - I would really like a pet whose name is lower on the alphabet, so Pasquell is perfect. Thanks for your consideration and for hosting this giveaway! Lucks to all.
110 years, 8 months & 18 days ago 20th Sep 2013 17:38
Well howdy there! I'm Courtney, a 17 year old Mara user who's been addicted to the site for about six years or so now. How are you today? This is the first sunny day we've had here in ages, so its absolutely lovely here

Anyways, I'm here to apply for your super cute lati, Orlandro. I apologise in advance if autocorrect changes it to Orlando, I'm sure you'll be able to tell who I mean anyway

Why do I want him? Well, I myself am getting quite close to my perfect pet scheme, and I only have a few more pets to go until I finish up trading.... Once I manage to swap Atheistic for something cute, I think I'm done, and I just need to turn my two non-LEs into a yuni and pucu... I still do have a couple of spare spaces that I want to fill though, and I think Orlandro would fit in really well with my other pets!

If I was to win him, it's quite likely that I won't trade. I'm not going to 100% rule it out, but the chances of me trading him are very small, since I'm so close to finishing my trading goals, and there isn't really any other pets I'd want.
I would costume him light fairy or something along those lines, because damn, they're cute! I might give him some stats too, I'm planning on slowly building up my pets till I actually have enough stats to actually start building up some Olympics points!

Well, I hope I haven't bored you too much... I know applications can be awfully tiring to read, especially when they drone on and on and on... But it's absolutely lovely of you to give us all a chance to enter, and I hope you don't miss your petlings too much once they're gone!

Courtney out
110 years, 8 months & 18 days ago 20th Sep 2013 17:35
Hi, I would love to apply for Shavox. I'm just going to be straightforward and say that the reason why I want Shavox because he's cute xoxo luv forever. I have like no pets (only Venida the figaro and Aim the feliz) and my profile is getting very lonely. So yeah. That is all. ok i suck.
110 years, 8 months & 18 days ago 20th Sep 2013 17:07
Hey there! My name is Kathy, and I'm here to app fpr Orlandro, your beautiful blue lati. Latis have always been my favorite LE pet, which is why I saved up just to create my own love lati(an ultimate dreampet of mine). I didn't want to trade for one, because it feels so fulfilling if I manage to do it, so now I have Heartstrung.

Orlandro reminds me of Orlando Bloom, my first celebrity crush.
I don't know yet what I'd costume him, but he'll definitely get a lot of love from me, and He'd look lovely with Hearstrung.

If ever I am to trade, you don't have to worry about me trading him for a yellow newth, keeewl1323242. I''ll definitely value his pet price, because I love latis too much.

Thanks for reading! Good luck.
110 years, 8 months & 18 days ago 20th Sep 2013 17:02
Myzi has found a new owner.
110 years, 8 months & 18 days ago 20th Sep 2013 16:34
Hello Carmie! (lovely name btw)! My name is Charli Woods and i'm applying for Myzi. She is so cute and my dream pet is an Ercuw!!??
I think it's extremely generous of you to giveaway such great pets and I love it when people give others the opportunity to experience some of the greatness that Mara has to offer.??
I hope i've kept this short and sweet for you. I am nervous because there is an even lesser percentage of me winning a pet because most of everyone's apps will sound the same.??
Thanks again. I'm extremely grateful and wish you the best of luck in everything!

110 years, 8 months & 18 days ago 20th Sep 2013 16:33
Hello! I would like to apply for Orlandro

I want to apply for Orlandro because I've wanted a Lati since they came out, I think they're the most adorable pets ever. I would love to welcome orlandro into my little mara family He'll be going to a good home Thanks for the opportunity
110 years, 8 months & 18 days ago 20th Sep 2013 16:27
Hiya, Killer here I am definitely apping for Orlandro and his blue self ???
I am a huge lati lover ._. I have personally created, potioned, and costumed five of my lovely latis (The twins: Deodati & Diodati, The Fairy Rymere, the Precious Schisis, and the Silent Ziranel) It was a lot of work but I couldn???t be more happy with them ^_^ I still have plans for them all that I will have a long time to put into action because I am NEVER getting rid of my latis. They will stay with me forever ??? So Ill have plenty of time to stat them one-hundred plus which will take a long long time @_@ I also want to get them all jobs. Cazern already has the perfect job for him and I still need to get everyone else employed as well so they all need more schooling. Buying lati potions and the costumes has really cut down on my funds for getting all of that done, but I intend to start as soon as I have all my lovelies just right in looks, name, and position. I still need to rename little ahrii >_< But it will be done!
~Whys and Whats~
Ill be honest, when I see Orlandro, the first thing that pops into my mind is Orlando Bloom xD Mainly from his role in the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. Orlando Bloom was born in Canterbury, Kent, England so??? I think that pretty much gives away what color Id love to make Orlandro And Id also love to get him a job as an actor x3 I feel like they would be perfect for him ??? Orlandro would sit next to Fairy Rymere and Nemun. Nemun will not be with me forever (sorry to Nemun D= ) so he will eventually be between Rymere and Moriens. With Lovedart beside Moriens, he???s be right in the middle of a group of girl latis ( fangirls, great ) xD Of course, Orlandro would never leave me I do not trade my latis, not for figaros or ercuws or anything! I treasure each and every one of them in their own way because I like to think that each of them have their own personality of sorts and are individuals ^_^ I would love to have Orlandro join my latis!
110 years, 8 months & 18 days ago 20th Sep 2013 16:19
Evening, or at least in my case~

I'd like to apply for Shavox.

To be perfectly honest, I would just save up for my own Nino but, heh, I seem to have become addicted to MP giveaways. ^^; I always end up holding a giveaway before I save up enough MP to get my own Nino. Plus I absolutely adore that name~

Anywho, I won't take up more of your time, I'm sure reading all these apps is getting kind of tedious. Tata~
110 years, 8 months & 18 days ago 20th Sep 2013 16:01
  1. New homes for my pets.
    2nd Feb 2016 21:56
    8 years, 4 months & 6 days ago
  2. Note to staff
    28th Jan 2016 19:39
    8 years, 4 months & 11 days ago
  3. Thank you for all the birthday wishes.
    8th Mar 2014 11:17
    10 years, 3 months & 2 days ago
  4. Goal Pet Giveaway
    30th Jan 2014 08:41
    10 years, 4 months & 9 days ago
  5. LE Pet(s) Giveaway
    20th Sep 2013 00:57
    10 years, 8 months & 19 days ago
  6. Hearts. <3
    4th May 2011 16:58
    13 years, 1 month & 7 days ago