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  1. All you need to know about Efil
    5th Jan 2010 10:43
    14 years, 5 months & 4 days ago
  2. My friends
    31st Dec 2009 16:00
    14 years, 5 months & 9 days ago
  3. book
    24th Dec 2009 12:50
    14 years, 5 months & 16 days ago
14 years, 5 months & 16 days ago
24th Dec 2009 12:50

I sat down on my brother Adam???s bed. ???What???s up bubby???? I asked.
Adam stared at my scar that stretches across the left side of my jaw line. It???s this long jagged thing that burns sometimes, or like when I know I???m about to do something abnormal. I flipped my blue black curls like a prep to be funny. Adam looked into my eyes and smiled. He looks just like me the same blue black hair, but he has waves not curls. He has the same ice blue eyes with dark outer ring. I watched a lock of hair fall to cover his right eye. ???Adam are you going to just smile or talk to me???? I asked with a smirk.
???You just think I???m smiling, but this just a muscle spasm.??? Adam said.
I tossed a pillow at him while falling off the bed laughing. ???Don???t be such a goof when Sebastian gets here okay.??? Adam said without the smile. He know I likes Sabin, and hates it. . I was getting off the bed when a the doorbell rang. Sprinting from the room I made it to the stairs, and to the door before Adam could get up. That???s what is so great about being short but being able to move so fluently.

Sabin is like four heads taller than me. He has dark brown hair with brown eyes. His hair is always in his face. He???s wearing sunglasses today with a black button up shirt, and a pair of faded jeans.
???Hey Sabby, what???s up???? I asked craning my neck to see his gorgeous face. He smiled down at me.
???Do you have to call me that???? He asked. Right when I was about to answer Adam appeared in his freaky way. I glared up at him.
???Oh hi Adam isn???t it nice for you to show up.??? I said as I walked to Sabin???s side.
???Rubella go watch TV. or something.??? Adam said. I stamped from Sabin???s side, and into the living room. ???You know when you tell me to do something I???m not always going to listen.??? I yelled.

I woke to someone sitting on my feet. I lifted my head to see Sabin laying there watching TV.
Sitting up I asked what he was doing. He turned to look at me. He wasn???t wearing his sunglasses so I got the impact of his deep brown eyes. Crawling over to him I sat down right beside him.
???I asked a question.??? I said. I stared at him. I wish he would just look at me like a looks at his girlfriend my best friend. Sara his girlfriend has hair as red as the blood that flows in her. She has big blue eyes framed with thick eyelashes. I feel so insecure when I see how her face as smooth as ever where as I have a stupid scar. I poked Sabin in the side.
???Hello???anyone in there???? I asked. Sabin stared down at me with a little half smile I love so much.
???You have the softest voice I could barely hear you.??? He said with his smile growing bigger.
I punched him in the arm. ???I do not. I just don???t talk as loud as you do. Besides I hate my voice anyways so you might as well make fun of it.??? I said with a little frown.
???I like your voice it???s sort of like soft, musical, husky type voice. It matches you so well.??? He said.
I smiled up at him. He makes feel so good inside. Like it doesn???t matter that I???m not pretty.
???Thanks I think. I like your voice it???s loud and gruff, but can be soft like you say mine is. It depends on your mood.??? I said. I got up from the couch and left the room without a backwards glance.

I woke up hearing my phone blaring Flyleaf???s new song Tiny Heart. It???s my ring tone for Sabin whenever he texts or calls. This time it was text telling me to wake up. I???m up you tard xD. I text back while getting out of my bed. Smiling to myself I pulled my black Flyleaf t-shirt of the hanger along with me black, lace leggings. I walked to my dresser to grab my red mini skirt to go with my shirt and leggings. What are you wearing? Sabin text back. I shook my head as I took a picture of my outfit and sent it to him. What???s it matter what I???m wearing. Shouldn???t you be asking Sara what she???s wearing so you guys can match or something like that? I text back. Wow that outfit is hot girlfriend. Why would I want to match what Sara wears. That would involve to much glitter for my taste. Lol. Sabin text back. Send me a pic of what your wearing loser. Oh and never say girlfriend in a Report me I am manner again. You just sound I don???t know Report me I am !!!! I???m going to take a shower so don???t freak if I don???t reply immediately. I text back.

After I got dressed I went to see if Sabin text back. I answered the text and a pic of him wearing faded jeans with a mountain dew t-shirt. He hadn???t brushed his hair yet so it fell in his face the way I liked it.
Someone looks S.E.X.Y. today lol. Are you going to meet me and Adam outside? I text back.
I grabbed my black high tops and ran next door to Adam???s room.
???Sup Adam? I think Sabin???s going to meet us outside hopefully with his car.??? I murmured as I entered his room waiting for Sabin to text back. Adam was about to answer when Sabin text me back. I held up finger so I could read the text. I know I???m sexy. Yeah I???ll meet you and Adam. Sara will be with me so you guys can do some girl talk hey you feeling me girlfriend ?!? He text back. I shook my head as I ran back over to my room to grab my yellow shoulder bag. ???Adam come on!??? I yelled bounding down the stairs. Stop talking all Report me I am like kay. I text back. I raced out the front door just as Sabin got there. I did a mental whoop knowing I won???t have to walk cause he brought his car.

Your special. So i had to make her special. My boyfriend has natrual black hair. I dribble aliitle every time I see him. I'm sure your not fat.
114 years, 5 months & 12 days ago 28th Dec 2009 15:16
Ooh xD
That's so nice
She definitely has my fashion tastes ^^
Not that I'd ever wear any of that stuff; I'm too fat to pull it off xDD
And, apparently, my taste in guys x]
Dark hair=
114 years, 5 months & 12 days ago 28th Dec 2009 13:48
114 years, 5 months & 12 days ago 28th Dec 2009 13:43
You based a character off of me? o.o
Which one? xD
114 years, 5 months & 12 days ago 28th Dec 2009 13:32
Guess which character I based off of you
114 years, 5 months & 12 days ago 28th Dec 2009 13:27
It's cute, efil ^^
I like it <3
114 years, 5 months & 12 days ago 28th Dec 2009 13:14
Stamps foot/The texts are supposed to be slanted
114 years, 5 months & 12 days ago 28th Dec 2009 12:53
  1. All you need to know about Efil
    5th Jan 2010 10:43
    14 years, 5 months & 4 days ago
  2. My friends
    31st Dec 2009 16:00
    14 years, 5 months & 9 days ago
  3. book
    24th Dec 2009 12:50
    14 years, 5 months & 16 days ago