About Meh :3
15 years, 7 months & 19 days ago
30th Jun 2009 04:46I dont come on Mara much anymore.
So -you- (*ahem stalker*) probably wont get to know me. ;]
Anyways, my name is Emily.
I'm 14 - 15 in August!
I dont read much, but twilight's not really reading - its amazing.
I cuss sometimes, thats why I dont go on mara much, its too hard not too xD
Thats why people should beware of MSNemily.
I waste most of my time either exercising, dancing, on facebook, MSN, or AIM. (iChat)
I dont care about most people, except for my friends - I'll do anything for them [: (This is on mara, yes?)
I love getting random stupid pointless mails.
One day I will make Michael Jackson live again.
Music if my life.
I like strangly colored objects - such as nails (nail polish ftw)
I'm that "preppy cheerleader" - but im not stupid.
Want my msn and barely talked to me?
Idc - have it. Just tell me before you add me :]
Most of my friends on Mara either quit, or we dont go on at the same times.
My bestest best friends quit.
Therefore I followed them
You probably dont care - but oh well.
The only reasons I go on now are
-Getting MMs from Lokes (ily:love
-Getting MMs from Blondie, aka Matt (ilytooo:love
-Sawyur <3
So, to those who still care for me, ily :]