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  1. -Life or Death?- part 1
    28th Dec 2014 10:15
    9 years & 6 months ago
  2. So I'm new...
    27th Dec 2014 20:08
    9 years, 6 months & 1 day ago
-Life or Death?- part 1
9 years & 6 months ago
28th Dec 2014 10:15

It was dark, hard to breathe. I didn't remember where I was, or what I was doing. I remember thinking I was dead, thinking there was no hope for me. Time went by so slow, it felt like I spent my whole life there. I kept pretending I was on a beach, or in the clouds. I wanted to be in the sunshine, I wanted to live. Not for me though, but for my parents. I was all they had left after my brother had passed. They always gave me what I needed, and tried to give me a happy life. I didn't like living, I always felt like I never belonged, and I never really had true friends. But my parents weren't the problem[/i], I was, me. I didn't like myself, who I turned out to be. I did anything and everything to make everyone happy, and that's why I'm in this situation.
[b]It's all my fault.

I remember thinking one last thought before I passed out, I thought about my brother. He wasn't the best brother, but he was there for me when no one else would be. I didn't have to fix his problems, or do anything for him, he was just there. I drifted off into a deep sleep and then awoke to a voice. It was deep, scratchy, and it sounded like a 60-65 year old man's voice. I couldn't understand what he was saying, only because it was in a different language, Russian I think. I was trying to listen to what he was saying, and who he was talking to.

All of a sudden I heard a distinct noise in the background. It sounded like police sirens! Maybe I could get out of here alive! I remember smiling, I wanted to cry because I felt so happy, almost relieved. But the sirens got quieter, and quieter, almost to the point where I can't hear them anymore. After I had realized that I wasn't going to be rescued, my smile had disappeared. The sirens stopped completely.

Okay so this is like my first blog/story/thing so I'm sorry if it's not really good haha. If you want more of this story then comment down below, or you can message me. Idk if I'm going to continue this series though, so I need your feedback!
Thanks so much!

that is beautiful. i love it
19 years & 6 months ago 28th Dec 2014 15:25
sorry for the typos with the bold guys..
19 years & 6 months ago 28th Dec 2014 10:16
  1. -Life or Death?- part 1
    28th Dec 2014 10:15
    9 years & 6 months ago
  2. So I'm new...
    27th Dec 2014 20:08
    9 years, 6 months & 1 day ago