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  1. SeNiOr SuMmEr 2010 :]
    25th May 2010 17:30
    14 years & 19 days ago
  2. Dearly Beloved;; My friends.
    5th Apr 2010 18:40
    14 years, 2 months & 8 days ago
  3. fact: You will love me(:
    3rd Apr 2010 14:46
    14 years, 2 months & 11 days ago
  4. Brann's Playlistttt(:
    22nd Mar 2010 05:12
    14 years, 2 months & 23 days ago
  5. Life goes on(:
    22nd Nov 2009 15:54
    14 years, 6 months & 20 days ago
  6. To the boy I love.. (:
    10th Jun 2009 08:36
    15 years & 4 days ago
  7. Take my handdd.
    3rd Jun 2009 13:58
    15 years & 11 days ago
  8. Memories... (:
    10th Apr 2009 11:37
    15 years, 2 months & 4 days ago
Life goes on(:
14 years, 6 months & 20 days ago
22nd Nov 2009 15:54

January 23.
Got up at 10. Shower. Went to my game. We WRECKED on SWC. :] Thank Jesus!!!!!!! We hate them. They are so stinkin' rude. Them twins. Man! We was about to box!! Anyways. I beasted. I dropped 30;; Season high. 11-17 from the field. 2-6 from the three. And 2-2 from the line! Uhm. Hmm. Then the boys game. They killed Liberty. Then Chili's with the boys, as usual;; Dunkk, Kyle, Aft, Brando, Sterls and Ryan. It was great fun! Then back to school for more basketball. Then awards. I got 2nd team All-Conference. Right now, I am averaging 13.2. Not too bad, but could be better(: We'll work on it! Just got home not too long ago. Hit up the RedBox. Gonna watch a movie tonight(:

January 22. Nuffing really. Uhm. Had a game at 4. Lost. To Lawton. -_- Then watched the boys game. They lost.. To Life. =/ I pulled something in my rib. I have a bruised rib I guess. It hurts. Oh well. SLEEP!

January 21.
Had a talk with the Sophomore girls and Mr. T and Mrs. Hamel. It was great! :] People are so negative. Blahhhhh. Uh. Then watched the boys game tonight. They won.. I think. LoL. Oh and I had to bake a cake(:

January 20.
Uh. Went to Braum's today for my straight A's! Then had practice. Then went to The Rock with Aaron for church(: Good time.

January 19.
Happy birthday Jennah(: Today, my Grampa would be turning 67. I miss him lots. Well. We lost our game to Liberty.. Or shall I say Charity. -_- Hmm. About to watch American Idol and eat food. Ope. And, I think our cat has run away for good because of this dog. =[ Huh. Only three pets gone in one year. Nbd. Gosh.

January 18.
UPDATE;; Went to hoop with brother, sister and my boy! Haha. I wish. Nah, just Kyle(: Uhm. I was absolutely WRECKiN' on the guys there! I loved how they kept telling me I was amazing! LoL. I didn't even know them! :] Uh. Then, I got TB, came home and am now studying for Anatomy. Yay. =/ I gotta get my C up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Woke up this morning at 820. Left for practice about 840. Got a donut. Had practice. Got a frosty. Came home. About to take a napp!! Then, later going to hoop with sister, Zachary and Kyle. And, I HAVE to study for Anatomy today(:

January 17.
Went to church. Came home. Karaoke. Text. Uh.. Went to see "Avatar" at 715. It was three hours long! But, a good movie nonetheless. Then, went to Skyline with sister, Zachary and Kyle until like midnight. Uhm. Came home and slept.

January 16.
UPDATE;; Watched all three Sandlot movies, "Honey" and fell asleep watching "A Cinderella Story."
Happy Birthday Rachael! Homecoming was last night. It was good. Girls looked BEAUTiFUL. We won our game! 50-20!!!(: Uhm. Went to Skyline with my Zachary and Kyle. We just drank soda and talked. But, it was well worth my time(: Zachary and I had a nice talk on the way home. Uhm. I have been thinking a lot lately. So much is going on! SO SOOOO much. If only you knew the half of it.
He says he still has feelings for me.
He lied to me and once again won't talk to me.
And he.. Well.. He is the one I want now(:

December 19.
Haha wow. So much has happened. WAY too much to go into. Butttt. My life was going great then took a complete turn-around. =/ Yay. Not! Ugh. LoL. Uhm.. I played basketball at the Ford Center yesterday, it was awesome!!!(: Then went to eat with Ryan, Brando, Sydni and Sarah. Then to Marble Slab. Then to the Thunder game. We got to shake the Piston's hands!!!!! Heck yes! Then. Home. SLEEP!!! I woke up today at 1. LoL. And probably won't do much of anything today(:

November 27.
Well. It is 7.47am. And I have been up all night. We went to Toys R Us at 11.30 last night and saw the line then immediately changed our minds. We were at Wally World by 12. And didn't leave until 6 this morning. INSANE I tell ya! It's not THAT serious people! LoL. I had fun though. And today.. In an hour or so.. I am off to an amazing weekend with the best frienddd(:

November 26.
Happy Thanksgiving;; Eat LOTS of food(:

November 25.
Absolutely nothing today(: Talked to Kyle, Dunkk, Lon, Ryan, Ant.. ALL day! Uhm. Sorted my endless mound of dirty clothes. Bleh! Cleaned the bathroom. And folded four baskets of towels! And I finished my book.. At THREE in the morning! It was very good(: Thend.

November 24.
UPDATE;; Didn't get anywhere on my room. FAiL! Uhm. I watched Transformers 2! It was uh to tha mazinggg(: It made me a little sleepy though. I am fixina eat Golden Corral;; Shrimp, mashed potatoes and corn! YUMM! Then, I'll probly read a chapter or two and call it a night.. I have LOTS to do tomoghy!
Woke up at 9. Took a shower. Drank milk and ate 3 cinnamon rolls. Uhm. Basketball practice at 10.20-12.30. Got my first bloody nose.. EVER! It hurts! Uhm.. Went to Papa Murphy's. Got home about 1ish. Sat on my bedroom floor trying to get motivated to clean;; Didn't exactly work out! Uhm. Just ate pizza. Now.. Thinking about walking across the street for a Diet Coke I have been craving! Then.. I am gonna get to my room and TRY to clean again. Yap. Pretty boring day(:

November 23.
UPDATE;; I watched "UP"(: It was too cute.
Fell asleep last night at like 7 something, while watching Transformers 2. Woke up this morning at 9.40. Drove to basketball practice. Practiced until 12.40ish. Ran FOREVER! Then mom and I went to Tonya's work to get my bag I forgot. Tonya invited me over this weekend! Hopefully I get to. Friday-Saturday in Washingtonnn sounds perfect(: Uhm. Ate Mickey D's. Came home. Went to sleep at 3.30ish. Woke up at 6. And now it is 6.30. I am thinking;; Food, movie, Diet Coke?

November 22. So today I decided to write on here every day like I used to. Honestly, those were the best times! I miss Mara. And I am coming back. Facebook is so full of drama.. Where as on here.. I can express myself without my whole world seeing it(: So.. That's what I'm gonna do! Well. Last night. Went to Briana baby's household! Ate pizza with Katie, Brett and Bree.. And her mom and bros of course. Uhm. Brett.. Reminds me so much of Phillip Noland is is SO weird. I might have a baby crush on Brett(: He is funny! I love that kid. Katie is pretty much amazing herself. We all talked for hours! I got a tour of their town.. It's not that big;; Sid's, Althia's, Bingo hall, town hall, post office, church, school, and jail(: I cannot wait to go back to Washingtonnn. I missed my boo for so long. I talked to Kyle last night. He is my new "accountability partner" for boys(: He is like a big brother.. And I honestly need that now. We woke up at 7 and walked to the "town" and Althia's was closed so we went in the Bingo hall where there were 4 old men who gave us coffee. We thawed out then walked back to Boo's house. We went to her cheer comp at OCU. It was fun.. But, I only got four hours of sleep, so I am a little bit exhausted! I met Julian today as well;; I am glad he makes her happy(: Uhm. I got home.. Drove for two hours. Today, I made a decision that might just make my life easier. Tevin.. No more. He can have her. I am done doing what I do. Yepp. It sucks.. But, it's for the best. Because he "loves" her. PSHT! Right. And now I am fixing to watch Transformers 2.. WOO!!! biggrin.gif Thend.

I might get to spend this whole weekend with her!!! Yay(:

And I'm trying..
114 years, 6 months & 20 days ago 23rd Nov 2009 12:33
Woo Hoo! ILoveYouGirly.... I miss her to...

114 years, 6 months & 20 days ago 23rd Nov 2009 06:44
  1. SeNiOr SuMmEr 2010 :]
    25th May 2010 17:30
    14 years & 19 days ago
  2. Dearly Beloved;; My friends.
    5th Apr 2010 18:40
    14 years, 2 months & 8 days ago
  3. fact: You will love me(:
    3rd Apr 2010 14:46
    14 years, 2 months & 11 days ago
  4. Brann's Playlistttt(:
    22nd Mar 2010 05:12
    14 years, 2 months & 23 days ago
  5. Life goes on(:
    22nd Nov 2009 15:54
    14 years, 6 months & 20 days ago
  6. To the boy I love.. (:
    10th Jun 2009 08:36
    15 years & 4 days ago
  7. Take my handdd.
    3rd Jun 2009 13:58
    15 years & 11 days ago
  8. Memories... (:
    10th Apr 2009 11:37
    15 years, 2 months & 4 days ago