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Puchalla Village
The poor country village of Puchalla Village is home to farmers and country folk. The quiet village lives off of the land and sells their crops and meat in bulk to other Maradan worlds for low prices. The other worlds then mass produce this produce into the foods you find elsewhere in Marada - like fast food, candy, and halloween treats. These are resold for higher prices and the Puchalla villagers cannot afford to buy them. This Puchalla Bumpkin needs your help. He wants to try new and interesting food from new and exotic Maradan worlds that he will never be able to visit. He has 30 different missions for you, each harder than the last. If you fail to bring any of the food, you will have to start again. He will ask for any item that can be fed to your pets.
Completed Level of 30

Complete more Missions

Bumpkin can ask for these items on Level 8

Purple Candy Bucket
Green Egg Cookie
Poison Pumpkin
Lime Heartsicle
Witch Hat Sugar Cookie
Poison Potato Chips
Tornado Pumpkin
White Striped Glow Worm
Wookle Poop
Slime Pumpkin
Mint Chocolate Sindi Head
Vanilla Honey
Historian Cupcake
Orange Chocolate Rapunzel
Hairy Potato Chips
Galaxy Donut
Cute Easter Cupcake
MP Jelly
Punk Poop
Orange Gummy Foot
Halloween Bat Cookie
Marshmallow Ghosts
Fire Potato Chips
Houlab Poop
Toxic Soup
Seasonal Fairy Cupcake
Mailo Poop
Grape Gummy Brain
Pumpkin Potato Chips
Maddox Poop
Blueberry Heartsicle
Decadal Dip
Linzer Cookies
Shaved Pumpkin
Lime Gummy Bunny
Temple Cake
Blueberry Gummy Hand
Green Eyeball Cake
Apple Jam Toast
Wardrobe Fairy Gumball
Apprentice Wizard Jelly
Witch Pumpkin
Dark Chocolate Pumpkin Lolly
City of Marada Lolly
Big Ears Pumpkin
15th Birthday Cupcake
Blue Egg Cookie
Hump Ice Sculpture
White Chocolate Zoosh
Sweet Potato Cinnamon Custard
Ghost Cookie
Torall Poop
Viotto Cake Pop
Desert Potato Chips
BBQ Turkey
Mutant Tomato Salad
Green Mermaid Tail
Giant Chocolate Chip Muffin
Chickle Poop

If you add the Missions Giftbox to your collection, you will be able to use Bumpkin every 6 hours instead of every 12 hours - for life!

The Seasonal Fairy also rewards you for every giftbox that you collect