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  1. 38 things girls don't realize
    28th May 2009 10:32
    15 years & 25 days ago
  2. Note to staff
    19th Apr 2009 21:15
    15 years, 2 months & 3 days ago
  3. Fairy Gonk Potion sniped at auctions
    8th Sep 2008 05:04
    15 years, 9 months & 13 days ago
  4. Ghost story of our school xD.
    11th Jan 2008 10:41
    16 years, 5 months & 9 days ago
  5. Got a CTM6 for 11k from SS xD
    26th Nov 2007 08:07
    16 years, 6 months & 25 days ago
Ghost story of our school xD.
16 years, 5 months & 9 days ago
11th Jan 2008 10:41

So, we had a class party today, where we mostly ate xD. We ate about for a hour and then started playing games. First was 'Fear Factor', which was disgusting, since a person vomited. Then we started playing hide-and-seek all over the school. The first time I was found quite quickly, and so was Mari xD. Then, some of our calss boys couldn't be found, so we went searching for them. We looked downstairs of the ground floor (it was like a basement or something xD), and when you went to the deepest point where there were no stairs anymore, ther were three doors there. We knocked on the door thinking that the boys, who were missing were there, but nothing. Most people left, and so did I. Then afterwards, when the boys were found we heard a shout from the basement floor thingy place. The girls, who were there (Mari was there too xD) kept knocking on the door and they heard a knock coming from the door. So one of the girls screamed. When they came up they didn't know yet, that the boys were already found, so I told them. After we went for another round of hide-and-seek. Since they told me about the knock we went to hide there. We knocked and knocked, until there came like a sound of rasp. Someone turned off the light, when we were running away being scared, so it made it even more creepy. I fell trying to run up the stairs and scrathed my knee a little. Then, when we were all up, we found out that all of us had actually heard that sound and it was kinda creepy o.o
We still have no idea what made those sound behind the door. We will go there on Monday though, so if anything happens, I'll probably write about it here xD.
Hope it's something logical and not a ghost xD.

I'm going to have nightmares reading all these stories but I can't help it! MUST READ... help! stop me!
115 years, 2 months & 12 days ago 10th Apr 2009 18:51
115 years, 3 months & 6 days ago 16th Mar 2009 14:29
My scary story ( true. )

So my mum and dad divorce. Yeah. So my dad meets a lovely lady called Sue, who, ( poor soul ) had her father, husband and son die before her. One of old age, another of a sudden heart attack, and the son because of a condition he had.
Sue went on holiday with her husband, and he had a watch, perfectly norrrmal. He died on the last day of their holiday, and the time of death was 4:45.
Sue still has the watch, so my dad wore it, trying to prove that the watch was not bad or nuffin.

My dad and sue go on holiday to Grand canaria (dont ask me.) and on the last day, my dads watched stopped at 4:45.
he reset it and then it was fine.
but dun dun duuunnn.
That can't be a coincidence, right?
115 years, 3 months & 10 days ago 12th Mar 2009 14:01
btw the oija board ghost in my oija board r roberta and dare
115 years, 3 months & 29 days ago 21st Feb 2009 13:55
waz dat true?
115 years, 3 months & 29 days ago 21st Feb 2009 13:49
Back when my dad was a kid his neighbor's husband died of a stroke(in the house)so the wife sold the house.Well my dad and his brother bought it and one night the stereo had come on on full power in that old house. well my dad thought it was his brother and his brother thought it was him so they said o well you must be doing that and they both admitted they were telling the truth.well about a week later the tv came on in full volume and my dad and brother were arguing about that they were playing tricks but none of them confessed.well thren my dad started sleeping with a gun under his pillow. and one night (you know how it feels when someone gently sits on your bed?) well my dad felt someone sitting on them bed so he put his hand under the pillow,loaded,the gun and turned around and was holding the gun right at the persons head but then he noticed it was his brother in a sheet with sunglasses and a cowboy hat on lol so my dad lowered the gun and thats when he thought so hes been lying all this time about not turning the tv on and not turnoing the radio on.then about 3 days later my dad so somehting in his peripheal vision(seeing some thing out of the corner of your eye) and grabbed the gun and turned around and he say a guy.he asked who he was and what he was doing in there house, he didnt say anyhting,then my dad noticed he could see through the man, and hethought he smelled old spice(a popular cologne back in their time) which was what mr falgen, (the guy who died's last name was)wore.then the guy was gone and ever since then the ghost was their friend but they finally tore down that old house.
115 years, 4 months & 20 days ago 31st Jan 2009 05:58
omg how scary but cool though
115 years, 4 months & 20 days ago 31st Jan 2009 05:40

there were 2 lil ghosts at my old skool. sally and bob.

sally died n front of da skool gym and no1 knos how but she had a garden btw and every1 accused da gym teacher and she supposedly "never killed her" but no1 knos if she killed her or not xept da gym teacher. and at da skool, she died somewear lyk rite win da skool was made n 5th grade. but sally is still there haunting it watching ova her garden. all we kno bout bob is dat he is n charge of da electcity and 1 day win we were n da music room going outta da room, my frins and i were n dare talkin 2 da teacher bout somtin and all of a sudden da radio came on! bob creeps me out cuz he also made da whole entire skool have a black out!

but u kno da quija [>*wee-ja*<] bored? well anywayz, dares dis 1 ghost...if u want 2 kno da rest, mm me and tell me dat u wanna kno bout da ghost and ill tell u!

but itz so freaky! ill tell u a couple tings rite now-she died n 1940 and got trapped n my gramas houz. she died n da basement and I SAW HR FACE N DA TV DAT WAS TURNED OFF! i screamed!
115 years, 5 months & 1 day ago 19th Jan 2009 14:02
115 years, 5 months & 21 days ago 30th Dec 2008 15:27
in my middle school i was in the loo and a load of girls though it was haunted so i waited till they came in and i stood in a loo with the door unlocked and flushed the loo the girls came to look but i stood on the loo and they pushed the door gently but they mever pushed it hard enough so they ran oout streaming
115 years, 6 months & 2 days ago 19th Dec 2008 06:35
  1. 38 things girls don't realize
    28th May 2009 10:32
    15 years & 25 days ago
  2. Note to staff
    19th Apr 2009 21:15
    15 years, 2 months & 3 days ago
  3. Fairy Gonk Potion sniped at auctions
    8th Sep 2008 05:04
    15 years, 9 months & 13 days ago
  4. Ghost story of our school xD.
    11th Jan 2008 10:41
    16 years, 5 months & 9 days ago
  5. Got a CTM6 for 11k from SS xD
    26th Nov 2007 08:07
    16 years, 6 months & 25 days ago