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  1. HUGE giveaway
    14th Nov 2013 05:18
    10 years, 7 months & 3 days ago
  2. Memorable Portals
    7th Sep 2013 00:25
    10 years, 9 months & 12 days ago
  3. Congratulations! You managed to pick up a King Bas
    21st Dec 2012 05:59
    11 years, 5 months & 27 days ago
  4. Giveaway! (up to 3mil+ worth of prizes!)
    24th Nov 2012 18:17
    11 years, 6 months & 23 days ago
  5. Thanks for collecting the Enchanted Plushie Instru
    16th Nov 2012 03:28
    11 years, 7 months & 1 day ago
  6. Zaqs changed into a Minipet Daisy!
    11th Nov 2012 01:09
    11 years, 7 months & 6 days ago
  7. Genie!!
    26th Aug 2012 02:48
    11 years, 9 months & 23 days ago
  8. 3 LEs being given away!
    23rd May 2012 02:59
    12 years & 26 days ago
  9. Goals
    4th Apr 2011 23:24
    13 years, 2 months & 14 days ago
  10. lucky breaks
    7th Oct 2010 19:49
    13 years, 8 months & 9 days ago
3 LEs being given away!
12 years & 26 days ago
23rd May 2012 02:59

Splintered the Mummy Viotto
Lybri the Earth Fairy Sybri
Ittia the Earth Fairy Kujo (currently held by another kind member, but the pet belongs to me)

So I haven't been on much lately. And school's coming up, which means I might semi-quit... again and Pet Trading now is REALLY slow and hard. So I might as well give them rather than them sitting here. I bet some would really want them.

This giveaway has no rules. I judge your app based on originality, content and your answer to the question below: (the question has a huge impact on your app so.... you could just even answer the question only)

Your app MUST include your answer to this question:
*Have you ever regretted doing something in real life? A regret that haunts you until now. If yes, What was it? *

I don't know how long this giveaway will last. But once I have chosen the winner, I will immediately mm him/her. (last time it actually took months, I will try to assure this time that I will choose the winner before the start of another school year) - 2nd week of June.

I will create a board. I'd appreciate it if you'd boost to give others a chance to apply as well.

Hmm........... that's basically it.
You can start applying.

Good luck to all. Smile


Hi there I would like to apply for splintered

The question

Yes, I have a regret and I'll never forget it, I have just finished high school and this regret and haunted me all the way through school. When I was in year 7 my self esteem was low, I was angry all the time and I had virtually no friends. The the day came when I wanted a bit of attention and every one had always said I was Gay so I came out as Gay. I regretted that, I could of made so many more friends if I hadn't attention seeker and came out a bit later on, I know I am gay I found out fully last year but back then I didn't and I regret it
112 years & 26 days ago 23rd May 2012 04:17
~ Hello I'm Jaime [:

I have been playing mara for about 4 or 5 years now, I quit for about 2.

My app is for Ittia :3 I would love to have Ittia in my mara family Witch is constantly growing (: I adore kujo's i think they're super cute and i have wanted one of my own for awhile i do adore the pink and green ones. [: But i really would like a kujo so thanks for giving me this opportunity to own one myself(:
I hope you consider my app ^-^ I feel quite privileged for this giveaway so thank you. Very generous of you [:

Also you have gorgeous pets :3 ???

Now to the Question ; Have you ever regretted doing something in real life? A regret that haunts you untill now. If yes, What was it? ~~

Hmmm biggest regret would have to be... Letting people bully me and hurt me, And letting people making me believe i was purely ugly and unwanted. I let it get to me so much. I wish i had learn't then I'm so much better than that to let myself believe that people i don't even know properly judge me. I regret not telling anyone soon enough, And i regret to wich place it took me. A dark place with no where to go. Yeahp :/

Anyway thanks for this opportunity and give away Good luck picking (:

~ Jaime ???
112 years & 26 days ago 23rd May 2012 04:16
I suppose a non-stalker introduction is in order here! haha, my name is Ashtin and I have seen you around Mara quite a bit, and I have always had an eye for those lovely earth fairy costumes! and little to your knowledge YOUR Lybri! He has caught my eye in pet trading more than a couple times. <3 So I would absolutely love to have the honor of applying for him in this giveaway.

So! let's get down to the nitty-gritty, "Have you ever regretted doing something in real life?"
oh. . if you only knew. :/
I regret so many things I have acted out on, or said to others. and I have literally tried to recover and scrape together any ounce of dignity I could pull together in the past few months. Ironically though, what has affected so many of my loved ones: is what I have done to myself.
I actually fell extremely deep into an eating disorder. so deeply in fact, I was hospitalized and sent to inpatient with a feeding tube. Currently I am in an intensive outpatient program and still battling every day with this disease. When my family discovered my secrets, habits, and rituals-- they were devastated. They simply didn't understand the disease and how it turns you into a monster, a self-hating monster in fact.

It will take years for me to recover the trust I lost within my family, but I can't say I don't deserve it. I will never be able to forgive myself, for the scars on my wrists are a reminder I must see every day.

Which helps me transition into why your Lybri means so much to me, already. It's the costume. The earth fairy costume is one of my favorites, because it's one of the few Mara costumes that has food in it. These pets are so lovely, and they are surrounded in food. . . it may seem a little far-fetched. but these pets are comforting to me in my recovery from my eating disorder.

Learning you can have food and beauty is a lesson I regret not learning earlier.
112 years & 26 days ago 23rd May 2012 04:14
Hello there! I guess I'll get the ball rolling here.

My app is for Splintered the Mummy Viotto. I am app for Splintered becuase I feel I would never be able for finish the Blitzen mission and really love Viotto's. I would most likely change it's costume, but not without seeing fully which would match the name. But I wouldn't ever trade Splintered.

Now, for the question. "Have you ever regretted doing something in real life? A regret that haunts you untill now. If yes, what was it."

I have done something I have regretted, a few things actaully. But the biggest thing is- I've never let my father know I forgive him for everything that's happened. But now it's too late becuase to much has been said already. Something is that growing up I never believed in myself, I didn't push myself to do the thing I love doing- which is writing. But after I've seen what I can do with my words, I can see that listening to jealous people stopped me from living my own dreams... and now I'm getting my writing published. I could of done that years ago if I had of believed in myself like I should have.

So, there's my reason, and my story of regrets. Good luck chosing and thank you for reading!
112 years & 26 days ago 23rd May 2012 03:48
I'd love to help Myranda (Browniecakes) get Lybia, if that's ok? She's an amazing friend, gave me like 2.5mil to help me get the pucu pot I needed for Prothean <3 And recently gave a friend an ANGEL COSTUME to make their chibs angel!
It was even her birthday yesterday, and due to exams and me being pretty broke I wasn't really equipped to get her much. =/
[b]Something I regretted:[/b]One of the worst things I regret was my rebound of a bf at uni. He led me on (or least that's how I felt) he was also still depressed about an ex, and I made my current bf - who I adore to peices and who is the best person in my life - feel awful all the time 'cos he hated seeing me with him when he liked me so much. I put him through hell without realising, with pushing about why he acted upset all the time =/ I regret that ex, bitterly. And I wish I'd realised sooner than my current bf was the one for me.
112 years & 26 days ago 23rd May 2012 03:48
Hello, my name is Myranda Im gonna apply for Lybri. I LOVE earth fairy pets, i think theyre simply gorgeous you never see earth fairy sybris being traded and especially not given away! thats why it would be so amazing to have her. Id stat her up just like im doing with the rest of my pets and possibly trade her one day in the far future but im not big on pet trading so probably not Ive never won a giveaway before but thats probably because ive never had the guts to enter. Ive regretted ALOT of things before and not entering into pet giveaways is one of them. But of all the things ive done and regretted, not applying for college when i had the chance for amazing scholarships and acceptances into amazing schools is the thing i regret most. I could have gone on to be a doctor and help to one day find the cure to my disease. But instead, i was stubborn and stupid and chose not to apply or accept any of the wonderful things i was offered. So now, instead of being 2 years through college and on my way to earning a degree, im sitting at home applying for a pet that i hope with all my heart to win <3 thank you for your time and goodluck to everyone <3
112 years & 26 days ago 23rd May 2012 03:34
  1. HUGE giveaway
    14th Nov 2013 05:18
    10 years, 7 months & 3 days ago
  2. Memorable Portals
    7th Sep 2013 00:25
    10 years, 9 months & 12 days ago
  3. Congratulations! You managed to pick up a King Bas
    21st Dec 2012 05:59
    11 years, 5 months & 27 days ago
  4. Giveaway! (up to 3mil+ worth of prizes!)
    24th Nov 2012 18:17
    11 years, 6 months & 23 days ago
  5. Thanks for collecting the Enchanted Plushie Instru
    16th Nov 2012 03:28
    11 years, 7 months & 1 day ago
  6. Zaqs changed into a Minipet Daisy!
    11th Nov 2012 01:09
    11 years, 7 months & 6 days ago
  7. Genie!!
    26th Aug 2012 02:48
    11 years, 9 months & 23 days ago
  8. 3 LEs being given away!
    23rd May 2012 02:59
    12 years & 26 days ago
  9. Goals
    4th Apr 2011 23:24
    13 years, 2 months & 14 days ago
  10. lucky breaks
    7th Oct 2010 19:49
    13 years, 8 months & 9 days ago